in order to reduce the inconvenience of treating cholestasis

in order to reduce the inconvenience of treating cholestasis

There were people who suffered from continuous gastrointestinal disorders even though they could not find any abnormalities in endoscopy or ultrasound. The situation of you reading this sentence I think so. Many modern people experienced these symptoms. Then, why is it so indigestible and stomach upset?

1. The gall product may be the problemThe wall of Zhanjeok meant accumulating waste and the enemy piled up. In oriental medicine, the term “enemy” is often used to describe chronic and chronic conditions. In other words, the remains of the wall could be said to have accumulated waste for a long time. It’s a waste product that I put in as I mentioned. It weakens the function of the organs and interferes with metabolism and blood circulation. It was characterized by invading regardless of tissue or organs and causing various inconveniences. In particular, oriental medicine considers it an important disease-causing factor in gallbladder, saying that nine out of ten diseases are caused by bile.In fact, when exposed to biliary diseases, you experience various physical symptoms. Gastrointestinal disorders such as indigestion, misjudgment, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, and nausea, and if they continue, the bile will move along the blood. At this time, it also caused symptoms such as headache, dizziness, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, gum diseases and bad breath, anxiety disorders, panic and depression. If these symptoms continue, you can’t even think that the beginning started in the stomach and intestines. Then, what is the reason for the occurrence of bile disease?2. What is gastrointestinal dysfunctionAs I explained earlier, gastrointestinal function deterioration became a problem. It means abnormal motor and sensory functions of the stomach and intestines. Problems such as gastrointestinal contraction, interlocking movement, excretion, and motor or sensory abnormalities in the small intestine or target led to a series of inconvenient symptoms. And many patients could not actively respond to these gastrointestinal functions because they were difficult to grasp with endoscopy or ultrasound tests that we know well. In this case, you need to take a test that can confirm the gastrointestinal function itself. Our hospital confirmed this through a gastrointestinal engineering test and applied a treatment method for gallbladder disease.Gastrointestinal synesthesia is a functional test that evaluates the motility of the stomach and large intestine, and was able to identify various matters related to gallbladder diseases such as gastrointestinal movement, instability, weak contraction, and dysfunction of the mammary sphincter. In addition, our hospital inspected the patient’s overall health status through autonomic nerve tests, interviews, and abdominal examinations to determine the degree of stress and provided customized treatment accordingly. Various prescriptions such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, medicinal acupuncture, moxibustion, meridian nerve stimulation, and relaxation therapy were used as treatment methods for cholestasis.The herbal medicine prescribed as a treatment for cholestasis worked on autonomic nerves (sympathetic nerves) that regulate the stomach and intestines and muscle functions that showed motility, helping to smooth the secretion of digestive fluids such as gastric acid and gastric juice. It also helps improve gastrointestinal motility and gastrointestinal internal conditions in the appropriate direction. The patient’s constitution, the cause of the symptoms, and various gastrointestinal-related symptoms that are currently appearing were comprehensively identified and prescribed, so we could expect a quick improvement in symptoms.At the same time, acupuncture, acupuncture, and moxibustion that boost gastrointestinal function and improve blood circulation, as well as meridian nerve stimulation that regulates gastrointestinal dysfunction and improves function, could be expected to produce better results. After it was judged that the gastrointestinal function was on track to some extent through the treatment of gallbladder disease, the gastrointestinal function test conducted before treatment was performed again. It is to confirm whether the gastrointestinal function has really recovered. Recovery of gastrointestinal function was supposed to reduce the possibility of recurrence and help patients manage their own gastrointestinal health.3. amount that affects both the body and the mindAs we saw earlier, bile affects not only the body but also the mental part. The more you neglect it, the more likely it was to shake not only your daily life but also your life balance itself.If the stomach and intestines are healthy, it is less likely to shake due to external stimulation. If you easily feel any abnormalities in your body even if it’s a mild stimulus, try restoring weakened stomach and intestinal functions with the correct treatment of cholestasis.above-mentioned convenient oriental medicine clinic Book 283 City Park Tower, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, SeoulGyeonghui Hwadam Oriental Medicine Clinic Konkuk University Branch 523 Boeun Building, Ttukseom-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul#METHOD FOR TREATING BILE STICK DISEASEPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image